Loving arms – Guatemala Teams
Loving Arms team members arrive at the Guatemala City airport.
With a population of 17 million, Guatemala faces formidable challenges: weak governance, endemic corruption, pervasive poverty, food insecurity, severe violence, citizen insecurity, shrinking space for civil society, lack of respect for human rights, and inequitable access to economic opportunities and social services.
Loving Arms arranges transportation to Antigua which is approximately an hour from the airport Members will stay at an Antigua hotel for the duration of their trip
Antigua – Central America’s most captivating colonial city is flanked by volcanoes. Two are just 16km from the city: Acatenango is the tallest, with two peaks, reaching an impressive 3,976m tall.
Daily the team will be transported approximately 1/2 hour into the mountains to the School of Hope Teams choose from a variety of activities depending on their gifts and talents.
A project list will be provided to the Team Leader to select their individual projects, at the school, which could include building and furnishing a family a small home, desks and other furnishings for a classroom or computer lab, assisting with the construction of a classroom, teaching, medical / dental clinics etc
A “Needs list” will also be provided to the Team Leader in case friends or relatives ask what the most important materials needed are for the school and children.
All other details of the trip will be worked out between Loving Arms and the Team Leader.
If you have any questions or would be interested in additional information, please email us at
E-Transfers can be sent to or through our donate now button on our home page.
Please consider adding the service fees, which are also included in your receipt.
Loving Arms relies on donor money to run Loving Arms. We use fundraising to help raise money to keep Loving Arms going. We have a wonderful community that believes in us and supports us which truly means everything!
Have any idea for fundraisers? What be a lean of a fundraiser or join in on one? Lets us know!
Construction of classrooms
Our next goal is to build the grade 8 and 9 classroom. Once done this it will allow us to have grades Jr. kindergarten through to grade 9 reaching approximately 250 children!
We are working towards this goal and praying for sufficient funds to build our next classroom at our Loving Arms School of Hope. We know with our donors helps this will be attainable! Please reach out if you want to be a part of this life changing endeavor.

Digital age at school
The digital era has revolutionized every aspect of our daily lives, and in education it is no different. Every year, the association strives to have the computer classroom as up-to-date as possible so that our children can learn more about technology and can face the world with these cyber skills.
With these upgrades and changes to our school we can welcome in a computer teacher to provided these classes. We will be needed better internet service, computers and tablets to make this asuccess. This will also help the teachers to share their knowledge using technology and help organize their classes and homework.
Such facilities will help us to adapt our school’s educational methods to the digital age, where there are a greater number of teaching and learning resources for both teachers and students.